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Fékk įgętis email frį Mike Stone ķ morgun. Mike žessi er sérstakur piltur / mašur. Ętla ekki mikiš aš rambla um hann. Žiš getiš séš żmislegt skemmtilegt um hann hérna.

Honum Mike finnst gaman aš senda email um "nśiš" og gildi žess aš standa sama ķ lķfinu, žessi fręši hefur hann gert aš įstrķšu sinni. Ég set žetta hér aš nešan į frummįlinu, svo fólk haldi ekki ķ eina sekśndu aš žetta hafi komiš śr mķnum rassi.

"We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another. Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough, and that all will be well when they are older. Then we are frustrated because they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely we’ll be happier when they grow out of the teen years. We tell ourselves our life will be better when our spouse gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a vacation, when we finally retire. The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than right now.
If not, then when? Your life will always be full of challenges. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy in spite of it all."

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