18.5.2007 | 09:28
Imperioli ķ Letterman
Margur Sopranos ašdįandinn var pirrašur žegar Michael Imperioli steig į sviš hjį David Letterman ķ fyrradag. Žar talaši hann ašallega um Ķsland en ekki um hlutverk sitt ķ Sopranos. Žaš sem hann sagši ķ žęttinum hljómaši eins og hann vęri sendur śt af ķslenska rķkinu til aš kynna land og žjóš. Spurning hvort viš eigum aš fį Fįlkaoršuna fyrir landkynningu:
Af vef CBS:
"Michael just returned from a trip to Iceland. At this time of year, the daylight remains well into the night. And when night falls, it only gets dusk-ish, not black at all. He describes the city as incredibly clean, the streets are spotless, everyone is extremely polite . . . and then the weekend comes. Everybody gets to the drink and indulge well into the . . . duskish night. By the A.M., you hear many fights and screaming and hooting and hollering by the revelers. You finally get to sleep and then when you awake, the streets are again spotless and quiet with everyone once again extremely polite and courteous.
Ive heard a lot of good things about Iceland lately and its on my list of places to go. And their water, Iceland water, is the only bottled water I drink."
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.